Osteochondrosisis a disease of modern society.
Hypodynamics, inadequate nutrition lead to pathological changes in the spine.
Thoracic osteochondrosis is much less common than cervical and lumbar.
This is due to the lower mobility of this part of the spine.
According to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD 10), the disease has the code M42.
Essence of pathology
Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine are dystrophic changes in the cartilage and bone tissues of the spine. The disease affects both sexes between 25 and 50 years old. The insidious aspect of the disease is that the symptoms are "disguised" as signs of other diseases (cardiovascular or gastric), so that thoracic osteochondrosis is diagnosed too late.
Algorithm of disease development:
- Under the influence of unfavorable factors, the core of the spinal disc becomes thinner and flatter.
- Adjacent vertebrae approach, a focus of inflammation arises between them.
- The joint capsules are elongated, the mobility of the spine decreases.
- The roots of the spinal nerves are pinched.
- The spinal cord is compressed.
- Bone tissue in the vertebrae grows, bone processes (osteophytes) appear.
Four stages of the disease are differentiated depending on the degree of spinal injury:
Stage 1 | Changes in the vertebrae are not expressed, there are no clear symptoms. At this stage, the treatment has a good effect: it is possible to restore the damaged tissue. |
Stage 2 | This phase is characterized by the appearance of microcracks in the vertebrae, reduced mobility. The vertebrae begin to move in relation to each other. Treatment takes a lot of effort and time. |
Stage 3 | The vertebral discs become thinner to the point that protrusions and hernias appear. Mobility is kept to a minimum. At this stage, the nerves are compressed, the work of Organs internal organs is interrupted. If you do not start treatment, you will be disabled. |
Stage 4 | There is a complete thinning of the disks, the function of the spine is interrupted, the process of destruction of bone tissue is underway. Neurological symptoms are pronounced. |
Thoracic osteochondrosis has a wavy character, that is, periods of remission and exacerbation alternate.
So farthe exact causes of the disease have not been established. In medicine, there are many theories on the subject, but none of them provide an accurate explanation of why the spinal cartilage degeneration process started. The main "culprit" is walking upright.

Provocation factors are considered:
- Heredity.
- Congenital malformations of the spine.
- Infectious diseases.
- Obesity.
- Hypodynamics.
- Stay in one position for a long time.
- Unbalanced diet, lacking vitamins and minerals.
- Back injuries.
- Age-related changes.
- Great physical activity (during sports or at work).
- Flat feet.
- Pregnancy.
- Prolonged stress.
- Smoking.
If left untreated, the consequences of osteochondrosis can be catastrophic.Degenerative changes cause a herniated spine to appear. The compression of thenerves leads to loss of sensation in the limbs. The most serious complication is paralysis of the arms or legs.
In addition,the work of all internal organs and systems is interrupted: cardiovascular, urinary, digestive. The patient develops vegetative-vascular dystonia. The fact is that the spinal vessels are compressed, the oxygen supply to the brain is interrupted. The patient experiences constant headaches, panic attacks, sleep disorders. Intercostal neuralgia is also a consequence of osteochondrosis.
The first symptom of the disease is thefeeling of tension in the back muscles. Then, a dull back pain joins him. Other manifestations may be similar to signs of other diseases, which is why degenerative thoracic disc disease is called a "chameleon".
The main symptoms of the disease are:
- chills;
- chest pain;
- sharp pain between the shoulder blades, especially when turning the body;
- dizziness;
- fainting;
- severe pain in the heart region;
- swelling of the hands and feet;
- feeling of numbness in the hands;
- indigestion;
- decreased sexual function;
- short-term acute pain in the rib area;
- fatigue, decreased performance;
- general malaise.
A doctor can make a diagnosis by performing a comprehensive examination.
It is important to differentiate osteochondrosis from other diseases of the skeletal system, such as:
- rheumatoid arthritis; osteomyelitis;
- spondylopathy.

It is also important to exclude diseases of Organs internal organs:
- ischemia; heart attack
- ;
- gastritis; stomach ulcer
- ; pancreatitis;
- kidney stones; pyelonephritis;
- tumors.
Laboratory and instrumental methods are used for diagnostics:
- Blood test. There is a slight increase in leukocytes and ESR.
- Blood test for electrolytes. In osteochondrosis, the level of serum calcium is reduced.
- General analysis of urine.
- Blood biochemistry.
- Radiography of the spine. It allows detecting the deformation of the discs, displacement of the vertebrae, the presence of a hernia.
- MRI. With the help of layered images, the degree of degenerative changes in the spine is clarified.
- Myelography. This is an x-ray scan of the spine using contrast. It allows you to assess the state of blood flow in the spinal vessels.
The disease is treated on an outpatient basis. For this, conservative methods are used.Therapy focuses on:
- pain relief;
- reduction of inflammation;
- elimination of compression of nerve endings;
- restoration of cartilage tissue.
If the patient is in severe pain, it is necessary to let him rest in bed. With severe pain syndrome, novocaine block is performed. At the same time, the droppers are fitted with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Methods of treating osteochondrosis
Medicines include the following medications:
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs | Depending on the severity, the products can be injected, tablets or ointments. |
Painkillers | - |
Muscle relaxants | Use if your back muscles spasm. |
Chondroprotectors | Restores the cartilage tissue. |
Diuretics | Reduce edema. |
Group B vitamins | For the general strengthening of the muscles of the back, spine and central nervous system |
In stages 3 and 4 of the disease, therapy is more serious. Hormonal drugs are prescribed.
Massageincreases the tone of the back muscles and relieves pain.The following types of massage are used:
- classic; dotted
- ;
- canned.
Physiotherapyis prescribed in the remission phase, performed under the supervision of a specialist. The exercises aim to strengthen the muscular corset, increase the mobility of the spine and relieve the compression of the nerve roots. The patient's metabolism improves.

Physiotherapyhas a good therapeutic effect, especially in 1-2 stages. It is recommended to take several courses a year to prevent exacerbation. They use magnetotherapy, laser exposure, ultrasound, electrophoresis.
Manual therapyis an irreplaceable method for the treatment of osteochondrosis. Blood circulation is restored, spinal tissue nutrition improves. The qualifications of a specialist are of great importance.
Spinal tractionis a controversial method. Some doctors believe that, on the contrary, it worsens the patient's condition. The essence of traction is to increase the intervertebral space using special equipment. In any case, this method should be used with caution.
Acupuncture. The impact on hotspots not only relieves pain, but also balances the patient's psyche.
Following a special diet. It presupposes a decrease in the diet of animal fats, an increase in the amount of plant foods. Nutrition must be balanced to provide the body with vitamins and minerals.
The effect of therapy is achieved by combining several treatments. Surgical treatment is extremely rare if there is no effect of conservative treatment.
Prediction and prevention
The prognosis of the disease depends on the degree of the spinal injury.It is impossible to completely cure the disease in 2 to 4 stages. Properly selected therapy can only relieve inflammation and halt the progression of the disease. With proper treatment, the remission stage is reached, which must be maintained with preventive methods.
The prevention of osteochondrosis is:
- maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
- observance of adequate nutrition;
- exclusion of excessive physical effort;
- avoid staying in the same position for a long time;
- weight loss;
- timely treatment of infectious diseases.
Osteochondrosis of the thoracic regionis a serious disease that "gets younger" each year. Due to the lower mobility of this spine in the initial stage, the disease does not manifest.
The symptoms are not specific, so other pathologies of Organs internal organs are suspected. It is important to make a differential diagnosis to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe an appropriate treatment.
The disease is treated using conservative methods, used in combination. Surgery is extremely rare if serious complications arise. In the absence of correct treatment, the patient's internal organs are impaired and the quality of life is deteriorating significantly.
Negative consequences can be avoided with the help of a correctly selected therapy and adherence to preventive measures.